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  • LEAP - Loyola educating about public health
    High school students from Proviso Math & Science Academy interested in public health actively learn about the discipline from Loyola's MPH and BSPH students.

  • BSPH-MPH Mentoring Program
    Undergraduate students from Loyola University Chicago who are interested in public health are paired with a graduate student mentor from Loyola's Master of Public Health program for academic and career guidance.

  • Outbreak!
    ​​​​LUPHA members simulate an outbreak with local high schoolers to educate them about how public health can prevent the spread of epidemics.

  • Girls Learning About Microbiology (GLAM)
    Part of Chicago's Expanding Your Horizons event, encouraging middle-school girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields.

  • Immigration simulation
    We provide American citizens with a glimpse of the struggles faced by immigrants in America.

  • Stop the Bleed!
    Inter-professional training program, developed by the American College of Surgeons to stop bleeding in a severely injured person.

HSM  |  Health Science Mentors

Founder & Former President


  • Founded to provide graduate student mentors to middle- and high-school students incarcerated at the local juvenile hall detention center

  • Obtained and manage $118,400 funding from three separate sources


GSAC  |  Graduate Student Advisory Council
Treasurer & Service Chair

  • Treasurer

    • Academic Year 2019-2020

    • Helped with opt-in dental and vision insurance plans

    • Host annual symposium for students to showcase research​​

  • Service Chair

    • Academic Year 2019-2020

    • Canned food drives for St. Ignatius Church

    • n2n (Neighbor-to-Neighbor) community involvement initiative in Rogers Park with Northwestern University

    • Chicago Food Bank​​

    • Host social events for students across disciplines at Maywood campus

    • Promote interests of MPH students

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of

Catholic Charities
Interpreter & Healthcare Volunteer

  • Interpret Spanish-English

  • Measure vital signs

  • Obtain HPIs

  • Administer vaccinations

The Catholic Charities

The El Salvador Encounter through CRISPAZ is an educational immersion experience in which participants learn from the Salvadoran people about their lives, histories, and hopes for the future.  A major focus of the encounter is to reflect on the meaning of working for justice rather than working for charity, understanding one’s role as a global citizen, and humanizing the different issues that are present in our societies.  Participants learn directly from Salvadorans about issues such as the impact of war, neoliberal economics, U. S. foreign policy, migration, mining, the environment, and a tradition of liberating faith all through a healthcare lens.  The trip will also include meetings with Salvadoran medical professionals to learn from health care teams and public health educators to understand ongoing initiatives in a rural community.

Antibiotic Resistance Leadership Group Multi-Drug Resistance Organism Network
  • Handling of clinical bacterial isolates

  • Shipping of biohazards materials

Young Researcher Program

YRP  |  Young Researcher Program
Mentor of High School Student


SMGSA  |  School of Medicine Graduate Student Association

PrEP Interest Paper
LAC+USC General Hospital.jpeg
  • Assessing the interest of Emergency Department patients in the use of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV infection

  • Translating surveys from English to Spanish

  • Assessing Emergency Department patients' understanding of their discharge instructions

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